I take a holistic approach to web presence. I often find that clients are overwhelmed by the need to have an up-to-date website, publish a regular blog, send out e-newsletters, and post daily on social media. I find that viewing these “obligations” as connected opportunities to get your message to the public helps make them less annoying. And learning how to integrate them into a daily routine helps make them less daunting. However, I know that this is not always feasible, so I’m also happy to take on any of these tasks for you.

My background in fine art and painting informs my design process. I always begin with basic elements: color, shape, type. But I never lose track of the purpose of a design. I keep these questions in my mind: Who is the intended audience? What are they looking for? What questions might they have? How can the design answer those questions before they’re even asked?


I like to begin projects by meeting face-to-face. I find this is also the best way to conduct tutorials and follow up consultations.

When it comes to day-to-day communication, I prefer email. Emails from me will often include bullet pointed lists and occasionally too much detail. Please feel free to ask me to dial it back.

I am available for phone conversations by appointment.


Both of my parents were English professors—one a fiction writer, the other a poet. I was raised with a love and curiosity for language and a respect for grammar and proper punctuation. I have tried, but have never been able to escape my genetic pre-disposition for creative writing.

I was always a doodler and picked up a camera at the age of 6. My love of art grew in high school as I discovered painting. Although history and biology were also enticing, I ended up studying visual art in college. I also found that I loved graphic and book design when I joined the undergraduate literary journal.

In the years between college and graduate school I worked as an AmeriCorps*VISTA coordinating two mentoring programs for at-risk youth. This experience gave me an enthusiasm for volunteering. It also taught me that while I excel at tasks like organizing volunteers, collecting data, and writing grant proposals; I get the more direct joy out of updating websites and designing pamphlets.

I love nature and gardening. I’m a vegetarian—not for health reasons, but because of how I feel about animals. Sightings of bugs, birds, mammals, lizards, fish, amphibians, et al. are  likely to elicit shrieks of delight and spontaneous confessions of my undying love.